Friday, April 23, 2010

First Post!

I havent got stable internet at home yet so unfortunately i cant upload heaps amount of photos yet. but i thought i d just quickly write up the notes hannah and i got from bill & bill :)

so their names are Bill Donovan and Bill Scott. They live in number 3 and 4 on lawson estate. number 4 (mr scotts house) was the model flat which was shown to prospective new tenants. their block was the first to be opened from the estate.
they have lived there for (more than) 65 years. Mr Donovan was even born on Harper Road. he has lived his entire life in the area. he says harper road used to be called harper street and before that Union Road (he used to live on union road 145).
they really liked the estate when they first moved in. they had lots of friends who all used to live in the area and who then moved into the estate with them. even some family. it was a community like feel. now they feel alienated by all the unknown faces around them. i think there is two other old people left who are still living there on the estate from when it was built after the war.
-we should find out when it was built, by who, why etc - ?
there used to be a butchers on harper road who used to grow his own kettle. also there was a weird cat meat place which would make little sticks with meat for cats and then post it through peoples doors? yea a bit weird that hehe.
bill and bill often get annoying phone calls from companies/advertising people who want to sell them stuff. annoying for them because they have to pick up every time as it could be important/family. obviously at their age its a real struggle to get up every time and get the phone.
there used to be many more pubs in the area. 7 on harper road alone. Some of the names were The Brighton and The Green One. harper road used to be so narrow that only horses and carriages would be able to pass through.
mr Donavon's dad told him once that the nearby newington gardens used to be called jail park because hangings were carried out there.
the issue with the school children passing through the estate. this has been mentioned as an issue at one of the tenants meeting i attended as well. theres a girls school nearby. bill and bill said the girls often produce a lot of noise when passing through the estate. maybe something to pick up on?

there are some things i have left out, others which i surely forgot. hannah add anything to this post or make a new one if u like!!
of course all of u can upload pictures here or even better on flickr because its better quality. just create an account if u havent got one.

maybe we should note down initial ideas as well:

jess had two ideas. first one being the sound garden idea which i really like. because she mentioned maybe making 'instruments' out of rubbish like glass bottles etc.

then she also said about maybe having a slide or some kind of playground at the exhibtion. thats nice because its positive and interactive i think..

then anita mentioned a piece of opitcal art at the beginning. maybe u can post more stuff relating to that or make a mock up from ur photos? i like the idea because we ve got lots of space, perspectives and angles to play with.

okay so far so good :O


  1. oh plz comment if u got anything to add/correct :)

  2. oh yea i briefly mentioned this but yea more clearly. i d like to set up some flier system or something of that kind to communicate with the youths/kids from the estate as i think that will be the hardest task. maybe some kind of anonymous call or text based service. i have to check if something like that is available for free online.

    i would really like to find out how they like the estate, the area, what they see as possible issues etc.

  3. we could go visit one of the schools and interview a few of the kids and see what kind of things they would use the space for if they were given the chance to design themselves. you never know, they might come up with some really good ideas!

  4. yea deffo. we shud do that for sure. sry i forgot to say about the blog. but yea u can all write new posts etc. so yup yup go ahead :)

  5. thanks for writing up everything from the interview with bill and bill pat! i really want to go back and interview them again, ask them some more specific questions. theyve lived there all their lives, and have witnessed how much the area has changed.

    i really like the idea of finding out how youths would like to use the space jess, and making a text based service for them to contact us!
